Technical benefits
- Technical flexibility
- High quality and safety level
- Reduction of follow-up costs
Operation Principle
- Actuated by an electric motor
- Lifting device for clamp shoes
- Limit switches monitor clamp position closed or opened
- Flange bolt mounted to front of rail vehicle
- Assembly of buffer possible
- Floating housing (SG) with guidance against the rail for lateral movement to compensate the wheel flange clearance and rail dislocations
- Clamp shoes are lifted above the top of rail when the clamp is opened, therefore no risk of collision exists for the jaws. However, the roller guide remains in the positions to the side of the railhead and is at risk of collision.
- Assembly of buffer of all types is possible, fastening devices for buffers are provided for each individual order.
- Bolts of stainless steel and lined bearings increase operational safety and lifetime.
- Disk spring package to maintain restraining force.
- Clamp shoes with linings are adapted to the rail profile
- Horizontal movement with floating housing +/- 25 mm